Average number of days in a month, measured over a year. Used in MonthsBetween. |
Average number of days in a year, measured over 4 years. Used in YearsBetween. |
ISO day number for Friday. |
ISO day number for Monday. |
ISO day number for Saturday. |
Number of days in a week. |
Array with number of days in a year. The Boolean index indicates whether it is a leap year or not. |
ISO day number for Sunday. |
ISO day number for Thursday. |
ISO day number for Tuesday. |
ISO day number for Wednesday. |
ISO month number for April. |
ISO month number for August. |
ISO month number for December. |
ISO month number for february. |
ISO month number for january. |
ISO month number for July. |
ISO month number for June. |
ISO month number for March. |
ISO month number for May. |
ISO month number for November. |
ISO month number for October. |
ISO month number for September. |
Number of months in a year. |
One hour as a fraction of a day (suitable for TDateTime). |
One millisecond as a fraction of a day (suitable for TDateTime). |
One minute as a fraction of a day (suitable for TDateTime). |
One second as a fraction of a day (suitable for TDateTime). |
Bitmask deciding what to do with each TDateTime field in recode routines. |
Number of weeks in fortnight. |
Number of years in a century. |
Number of years in a decade. |
Number of years in a millennium. |