Unit 'workbench' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#amunits]


The message your drop zone hook gets invoked with.


Source position: workbench.pas line 612

type tAppWindowDropZoneMsg = record

  adzm_RastPort: pRastPort;


RastPort to render into.

  adzm_DropZoneBox: tIBox;


Limit your rendering to this area.

  adzm_ID: LongWord;


This is the ID straight from AddAppWindowDropZoneA().

  adzm_UserData: LongWord;


This is the UserData straight from AddAppWindowDropZoneA().

  adzm_Action: LongInt;


Action was done. ADZMACTION_Enter, ADZMACTION_Leave


Documentation generated on: 2021-07-30