Unit 'agraphics' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#aros]


read the pen number value of a horizontal line of pixels starting at a specified x,y location and continuing right for count pixels.


Source position: agraphics.pas line 2165

function ReadPixelLine8(

  Rp: PRastPort;

  xStart: LongWord;

  yStart: LongWord;

  Width: LongWord;

  Array_: PByte;

  TempRP: PRastPort





A pointer to a RastPort



X Postion in Line to start to read



Line to Read



Length of line to read



Pointer to an array of Bytes from which to fetch the pixel data allocate at least (((width + 15) shr 4) shl 4) bytes.



A temporary rastport (copy of rp with Layer set = nil, temporary memory allocated for temprp^.BitMap with Rows set == 1, temprp^.BytesPerRow = (((width + 15) shr 4) shl 1), and temporary memory allocated for temprp^.BitMap^.Planes[])

Function result

The number of pixels read.


For each pixel in a rectangular region, combine the bits from each of the bit-planes used to describe a particular RastPort into the pen number selector which that bit combination normally forms for the system hardware selection of pixel color.

width must be non negative

This function doesn't make sense on true-/hicolor rastports.

See also



read the pen number value of the pixel at a specified x,y location within a certain RastPort.



read the pen number value of a rectangular array of pixels starting at a specified x,y location and continuing through to another x,y location within a certain RastPort.



Write the pen number value of a rectangular array of pixels starting at a specified x,y location and continuing through to another x,y location within a certain RastPort.



Write the pen number value of a horizontal line of pixels starting at a specified x,y location and continuing right for count pixels.

Documentation generated on: 2021-07-30