Unit 'Intuition' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#aros]


Display an alert with automatic time-out.


Source position: intuition.pas line 3317

function TimedDisplayAlert(

  AlertNumber: LongWord;

  String_: PChar;

  Height: Word;

  Time: LongWord





The number of this alert message. The only pertinent bits of this number are the ALERT_TYPE bit(s). The rest of the number is ignored by this routine.



A pointer to the alert message string, as described above



Minimum display lines required for your message



Length of time the alert should wait for the user to respond. This time is the number of video frames the alert should remain up for.

Function result

A LongBool value of True or False. If this is a DEADEND_ALERT, False is always the return value. If this is a RECOVERY_ALERT. The return value will be True if the user presses the left mouse button in response to your message, and False if the user presses the right hand button is response to your text, or if the alert could not be posted. If the alert times out, the return value will be False.


This function is equivalent to DisplayAlert(), except that if the user fails to respond in a given time, the alert comes down automatically.

See also



Create the display of an alert message.

Documentation generated on: 2021-07-30