Unit 'layers' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#aros]


convert 1.0 LayerInfo to 1.1 LayerInfo Obsolete


Source position: layers.pas line 120

function FattenLayerInfo(

  LayerInfo: PLayer_Info




V1.1 software and any later releases need to have more info in the Layer_Info structure. To do this in a 1.0 supportable manner requires allocation and deallocation of the memory whenever most layer library functions are called. To prevent unnecessary allocation/deallocation FattenLayerInfo will preallocate the necessary data structures and fake out the layer library into thinking it has a LayerInfo gotten from NewLayerInfo. NewLayerInfo is the approved method for getting this structure. When a program needs to give up the LayerInfo structure it must call ThinLayerInfo before freeing the memory. ThinLayerInfo is not necessary if New/DisposeLayerInfo are used however.

See also



Allocate and Initialize full Layer_Info structure.



convert 1.1 LayerInfo to 1.0 LayerInfo. Obsolete



Return all memory for LayerInfo to memory pool

Documentation generated on: 2021-07-30