Install clip region in layer
Source position: layers.pas line 123
function InstallClipRegion( |
Layer: PLayer; |
const Region: PRegion |
):PRegion; |
Layer |
pointer to a layer |
Region |
pointer to a region |
The pointer to the previous ClipRegion that was installed. Returns nil if no previous ClipRegion installed.
Installs a transparent Clip region in the layer. All subsequent graphics calls will be clipped to this region. You must remember to call InstallClipRegion(l, nil) before calling DeleteLayer(l) or the Intuition function CloseWindow() if you have installed a non-nil ClipRegion in layer.
If the system runs out of memory while computing the resulting ClipRects the LAYERS_CLIPRECTS_LOST bit will be set in layer^.Flags.
If the system runs out of memory during normal layer operations, the ClipRect list may get swept away and not restored. As soon as there is enough memory and the layer library gets called again the ClipRect list will be rebuilt.
Prepare to repair damaged layer. |
remove damage list and restore state of layer to normal. |
program clipping; {$mode fpc} { The following example shows the use of the layers library call InstallClipRegion(), as well as simple use of the graphics library regions functions. Be aware that it uses Release 2 functions for opening and closing Intuition windows. Clipping.pp converted from original RKRM clipping.c tested with FPC 3.2.0} uses Exec, AmigaDOS, AGraphics, Layers, Intuition, Utility; const MY_WIN_WIDTH = 300; MY_WIN_HEIGHT = 100; { UnclipWindow() Used to remove a clipping region installed by ClipWindow() or ClipWindowToBorders(), disposing of the installed region and reinstalling the region removed.} procedure UnclipWindow(Win: PWindow); var Old_Region: PRegion; begin Old_Region := InstallClipRegion(Win^.WLayer, nil); // Remove any old region by installing a nil region, then dispose of the old region if one was installed. if Assigned(Old_Region) then DisposeRegion(Old_Region); end; { ClipWindow() Clip a window to a specified rectangle (given by upper left and lower right corner.) the removed region is returned so that it may be re-installed later.} function ClipWindow(Win: PWindow; MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY: LongInt): PRegion; var New_Region: PRegion; My_Rectangle: TRectangle; begin // set up the limits for the clip My_Rectangle.MinX := MinX; My_Rectangle.MinY := MinY; My_Rectangle.MaxX := MaxX; My_Rectangle.MaxY := MaxY; New_Region := NewRegion(); // get a new region and OR in the limits. if Assigned(NewRegion()) then begin if not Boolean(OrRectRegion(New_Region, @My_Rectangle)) then begin DisposeRegion(New_Region); New_Region := nil; end; end; // Install the new region, and return any existing region. // If the above allocation and region processing failed, then // New_Region will be NULL and no clip region will be installed. ClipWindow := InstallClipRegion(Win^.WLayer, New_Region); end; { ClipWindowToBorders() clip a window to its borders. The removed region is returned so that it may be re-installed later.} function ClipWindowToBorders(Win: PWindow): PRegion; begin ClipWindowToBorders := ClipWindow(Win, Win^.BorderLeft, Win^.BorderTop, Win^.Width - Win^.BorderRight - 1, Win^.Height - Win^.BorderBottom - 1); end; // Wait for the user to select the close gadget. procedure Wait_For_Close(win: PWindow); var Msg: PIntuiMessage; Done: Boolean; begin Done := False; while not Done do begin // we only have one signal bit, so we do not have to check which bit broke the Wait(). Wait(1 shl win^.UserPort^.mp_SigBit); repeat Msg := PIntuiMessage(GetMsg(win^.UserPort)); if not Assigned(Msg) then Break; //* use a switch statement if looking for multiple event types */ if Msg^.IClass = IDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW then Done := True; ReplyMsg(PMessage(Msg)); until Done; end; end; { Simple routine to blast all bits in a window with color three to show where the window is clipped. After a delay, flush back to color zero and refresh the window borders.} procedure Draw_In_Window(Win: PWindow; Message: AnsiString); begin Write(Message, '...'); SetRast(Win^.RPort, 3); DOSDelay(200); SetRast(Win^.RPort, 0); RefreshWindowFrame(Win); Writeln('done'); end; { Show drawing into an unclipped window, a window clipped to the borders and a window clipped to a random rectangle. It is possible to clip more complex shapes by AND'ing, OR'ing and exclusive-OR'ing regions and rectangles to build a user clip region. This example assumes that old regions are not going to be re-used, so it simply throws them away.} procedure Clip_Test(Win: PWindow); var Old_Region: PRegion; begin Draw_In_Window(Win, 'Window with no clipping'); // if the application has never installed a user clip region, then Old_Region will be nil here. // Otherwise, delete the old region (you could save it and re-install it later...) Old_Region := ClipWindowToBorders(Win); if not Assigned(Old_Region) then DisposeRegion(Old_Region); Draw_In_Window(Win, 'Window clipped to window borders'); UnclipWindow(Win); // here we know Old_Region will be NULL, as that is what we installed with UnclipWindow()... Old_Region := ClipWindow(Win,20,20,100,50); if not Assigned(Old_Region) then DisposeRegion(Old_Region); Draw_In_Window(Win, 'Window clipped from (20,20) to (100,50)'); UnclipWindow(Win); Wait_For_Close(Win); end; // Open and close resources, call the test routine when ready. procedure StartMe; var Win: PWindow; begin Win := OpenWindowTags(nil, [ TAG_(WA_Width) , AsTag(MY_WIN_WIDTH), TAG_(WA_Height) , AsTag(MY_WIN_HEIGHT), TAG_(WA_IDCMP) , AsTag(IDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW), TAG_(WA_CloseGadget), AsTag(True), TAG_(WA_DragBar) , AsTag(True), TAG_(WA_Activate) , AsTag(True), TAG_END]); if Assigned(Win) then begin Clip_Test(Win); CloseWindow(Win); end; end; begin StartMe end.