Unit 'Contnrs' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#fcl]


Does the list own the objects it contains.


Source position: contnrs.pp line 338

public property TFPHashObjectList.OwnsObjects : Boolean
  read FFreeObjects
  write FFreeObjects;


OwnsObjects determines what to do when an object is removed from the list: if it is True (the default), then the list owns the objects: when an object is removed from the list, it is destroyed (freed from memory). Clearing the list will free all objects in the list.

The value of OwnsObjects is set when the hash list is created, and may not be changed during the lifetime of the hash list. (The property is made read-only in versions later than 3.0 of Free Pascal).

See also



Create a new instance of the hashlist.

Documentation generated on: Oct 02 2024