Unit 'stringtableresource' Package
[Overview][Resource strings][Classes][Index] [#fcl-res]


The ID of first the string contained in the string table


Source position: stringtableresource.pp line 74

public property TStringTableResource.FirstID : Word
  read fFirstID
  write SetFirstID;


This property holds the value of the ID of the first string of the table. It is a multiple of 16.

The name of the resource is determined by this property, so changing FirstID also changes the resource name.

Remark: If an attempt of setting this property to an integer that isn't a multiple of 16 is made, the value is automatically corrected to the closest multiple of 16 less than the value specified (e.g. setting it to 36 sets it to 32).

See also



String table resource type



The ID of the last string contained in the string table



Indexed array of strings in the string table

Documentation generated on: Feb 20 2025