Unit 'System' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#rtl]


Copy part of a string or dynamic array.


Source position: system.fpd line 82

function Copy(

  S: AStringType;

  Index: SizeInt;

  Count: SizeInt


function Copy(

  A: DynArrayType;

  Index: SizeInt;

  Count: SizeInt



Copy returns a string which is a copy if the Count characters in S, starting at position Index. If Count is larger than the length of the string S, the result is truncated. If Index is larger than the length of the string S, then an empty string is returned. Index is 1-based.

For dynamic arrays, Copy returns a new dynamic array of the same type as the original one, and copies Count elements from the old array, starting at the position in Index. Both the Index and Count arguments are optional: if none are specified, the whole array is copied. This is useful to make sure you have a reference count of 1 on the dynamic array (i.e. similar to UniqueString). Note that the copy is a shallow copy, i.e. sub-arrays are not copied as well.

The Count argument can be omitted. In that case, the string (or dynamic array) is copied from the position Index till the end of the string or array.



See also



Delete elements (characters) from a string or dynamic array.



Insert one string or dynamic array in another.



Search for substring in a string.


Program Example11;

{ Program to demonstrate the Copy function. }

Var S,T : String;

  S:=Copy (T,1,2);   { S:='12'   }
  S:=Copy (T,4,2);   { S:='45'   }
  S:=Copy (T,4,8);   { S:='4567' }

Documentation generated on: Feb 20 2025