Return result of last file IO operation.
Source position: line 1553
IOresult contains the result of any input/output call, when the {\$i-} compiler directive is active, disabling IO checking. When the flag is read, it is reset to zero. If IOresult is zero, the operation completed successfully. If non-zero, an error occurred. The following errors can occur:
dos errors :
- 2
- File not found.
- 3
- Path not found.
- 4
- Too many open files.
- 5
- Access denied.
- 6
- Invalid file handle.
- 12
- Invalid file-access mode.
- 15
- Invalid disk number.
- 16
- Cannot remove current directory.
- 17
- Cannot rename across volumes.
I/O errors :
- 100
- Error when reading from disk.
- 101
- Error when writing to disk.
- 102
- File not assigned.
- 103
- File not open.
- 104
- File not opened for input.
- 105
- File not opened for output.
- 106
- Invalid number.
Fatal errors :
- 150
- Disk is write protected.
- 151
- Unknown device.
- 152
- Drive not ready.
- 153
- Unknown command.
- 154
- CRC check failed.
- 155
- Invalid drive specified..
- 156
- Seek error on disk.
- 157
- Invalid media type.
- 158
- Sector not found.
- 159
- Printer out of paper.
- 160
- Error when writing to device.
- 161
- Error when reading from device.
- 162
- Hardware failure.
Program Example35;
{ Program to demonstrate the IOResult function. }
Var F : text;
Assign (f,paramstr(1));
Reset (f);
If IOresult<>0 then
writeln ('File ',paramstr(1),' doesn''t exist')
writeln ('File ',paramstr(1),' exists');