Unit 'System' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#rtl]


Variant record.


Source position: varianth.inc line 96

type tvardata = packed record

  vtype: tvartype;


Type of variant.

  case Integer of

    0: (

        res1: Word;


Reserved byte.

        case Integer of

          0: (

              res2: Word;


Reserved byte.

              res3: Word;


Reserved byte.

              case Word of

                varsmallint: (

                    vsmallint: SmallInt;


Smallint value.


                varinteger: (

                    vinteger: LongInt;


Integer value.


                varsingle: (

                    vsingle: single;


Single value.


                vardouble: (

                    vdouble: Double;


Double value.


                vardate: (

                    vdate: TDateTime;


TDateTime value.


                varcurrency: (

                    vcurrency: currency;


Currency value.


                varolestr: (

                    volestr: PWideChar;


OLE string value (specially allocated widestring).


                vardispatch: (

                    vdispatch: pointer;


Dispatch interface value.


                varerror: (

                    verror: HRESULT;


Error value.


                varboolean: (

                    vboolean: wordbool;


Boolean value.


                varunknown: (

                    vunknown: pointer;


IUnknown interface value.


                varustring: (

                    vustring: pointer;


UnicodeString argument.


                varshortint: (

                    vshortint: ShortInt;


Shortint value.


                varbyte: (

                    vbyte: Byte;


Byte value.


                varword: (

                    vword: Word;


Word value.


                varlongword: (

                    vlongword: DWord;


Longword value.


                varuint32: (

                    vuint32: DWord;


                varint64: (

                    vint64: Int64;


Int64 value.


                varqword: (

                    vqword: QWord;


QWord value.


                varword64: (

                    vword64: QWord;


QWord value (?).


                varstring: (

                    vstring: pointer;


Ansistring value.


                varany: (

                    vany: pointer;


Any value.


                vararray: (

                    varray: pvararray;


Variant array value.


                varbyref: (

                    vpointer: pointer;


Pointer value.


                varrecord: (

                    vrecord: pointer;


Pointer to record.

                    precinfo: pointer;


Pointer to record type info data.



          1: (

              vlongs: array [0..2] of LongInt;


Value as an array of longints.



    1: (

        vwords: array [0..6] of Word;


Value as an array of words.


    2: (

        vbytes: array [0..13] of Byte;


Value as an array of bytes.




TVarData is a record representation of a variant. It contains the internal structure of a variant and is handled by the various variant handling routines.

Documentation generated on: Oct 02 2024