Convert a string to all uppercase.
Source position: line 1300
function UpCase( |
const s: shortstring |
):shortstring; |
c: AnsiChar |
):AnsiChar; |
const s: ansistring |
):ansistring; |
const s: UnicodeString |
):UnicodeString; |
c: UnicodeChar |
):UnicodeChar; |
const s: WideString |
):WideString; |
Upcase returns the uppercase version of its argument C. If its argument is a string, then the complete string is converted to uppercase. The type of the returned value is the same as the type of the argument.
UpCase does not change the number of characters in the string.
Return lowercase version of a string. |
program Example72; { Program to demonstrate the upcase function. } var c:char; begin or:='a' to 'z' do write(upcase(c)); Writeln; { This doesn't work in TP, but it does in Free Pascal } Writeln(upcase('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')); end.