Storage statistics type for IStream interface.
Source position: types.pp line 476
type tagSTATSTG = record |
pwcsName: POleStr; |
Name for the storage object. Typically the filename. |
dwType: DWORD; |
Storage type. |
cbSize: LARGE_UINT; |
Storage size. |
mtime: TFileTime; |
Modification time. |
ctime: TFileTime; |
Creation time. |
atime: TFileTime; |
Last access time. |
grfMode: DWORD; |
? |
grfLocksSupported: DWORD; |
Locking operations supported by Storage type. |
clsid: TCLSID; |
Class ID for the storage type. |
grfStateBits: DWORD; |
State bits. |
reserved: DWORD; |
Reserved bits. |
end; |
tagSTATSTG is used in the IStream.Stat call. It describes a storage medium (typically a file).
return information about the stream. |