Unit 'unicodedata' Package
[Overview][Resource strings][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Index] [#rtl]


Unicode character properties record.


Source position: unicodedata.pas line 292

type TUC_Prop = packed record


  C: Byte;

  C3: Byte;

  N: Byte;

  UC: UInt24;

  LC: UInt24;

  D: SmallInt;

  property CategoryData: Byte; [rw]


Category data.

  property NumericIndex: Byte; [rw]


Index in numeric values array.

  property SimpleUpperCase: UInt24; [rw]


Simple uppercase version.

  property SimpleLowerCase: UInt24; [rw]


Simple lowercase version.

  property DecompositionID: SmallInt; [rw]


Decomposition ID.

  property Category: Byte; [rw]


Get the category.

  property WhiteSpace: Boolean; [rw]


Is the character considered whitespace.

  property HangulSyllable: Boolean; [rw]


Is the character a hangul syllable.

  property UnifiedIdeograph: Boolean; [r]

  property NumericValue: Double; [r]


Numeric value.



TUC_Prop describes the collation characteristics of a unicode character. It is an internal structure which should not be used directly, the actual structure is subject to change.

Documentation generated on: Feb 20 2025