Unit 'unicodedata' Package
[Overview][Resource strings][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Index] [#rtl]


Unicode Collation data item properties.


Source position: unicodedata.pas line 371

type TUCA_PropItemRec = packed record


  WeightLength: Byte;


Number of weights.

  ChildCount: Byte;


Number of children.

  Size: Word;


Total size (in bytes) of data.

  Flags: Byte;


Flags for this item.

  function HasCodePoint;


Check flags whether a codepoint is present.

  property CodePoint: UInt24; [r]


Get the codepoint.

  function IsValid;


Check flags for validity.

  procedure GetWeightArray();


Return an array of weights.

  function GetSelfOnlySize;


Size of this item data (in bytes).

  function GetContextual;


Check if the contextual bit is set in the flags (getter for Contextual).

  property Contextual: Boolean; [r]


Check if the contextual bit is set in the flags.

  function GetContext;


Access to context data.

  function IsDeleted;


Check flags if deleted bit is set.

  function IsWeightCompress_1;


Check whether weight compression flag 1 is set.

  function IsWeightCompress_2;


Check whether weight compression flag 2 is set.



TUCA_PropItemRec encodes 1 entry from the Unicode Collation data in an encoded form.

See also



Internal tree structure for sorted storage of unicode collation data.

Documentation generated on: Feb 20 2025