Unit 'agraphics' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#morphunits]



Source position: agraphics.pas line 324

type TCopList = record

  Next: PCopList;


Next block for this copper list

  _CopList: PCopList;


System use

  _ViewPort: PViewPort;


System use

  CopIns: PCopIns;


start of this block

  CopPtr: PCopIns;


intermediate ptr

  CopLStart: PSmallInt;


mrgcop fills this in for Long Frame

  CopSStart: PSmallInt;


mrgcop fills this in for Longint Frame

  Count: SmallInt;


intermediate counter

  MaxCount: SmallInt;


max # of copins for this block

  DyOffset: SmallInt;


offset this copper list vertical waits

  SLRepeat: Word;


  Flags: Word;



Documentation generated on: 2021-07-30