Unit 'BaseUnix' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Index] [#rtl]


Record describing floating point unit in signal handler.


Source position: sighndh.inc line 45

type tfpstate = record

  cw: Cardinal;


FPU state CW (legacy).

  sw: Cardinal;


FPU state SW (legacy).

  tag: Cardinal;


FPU state tag (legacy).

  ipoff: Cardinal;


FPU state ipoff (legacy).

  cssel: Cardinal;


FPU state cssel (legacy).

  dataoff: Cardinal;


FPU state dataoff (legacy).

  datasel: Cardinal;


FPU state dataoff (legacy).

  st: array [0..7] of tfpreg;


FPU state ST (legacy).

  status: Word;


FPU state status (legacy).

  magic: Word;


Describes type of content.

  fxsr_env: array [0..5] of DWord;


FXSR FPU environment (Ignored).

  mxcsr: DWord;


FXSR FPU environment.

  reserved: DWord;


Reserved bytes.

  fxsr_st: array [0..7] of tfpxreg;


FXSR FPU reg data (ignored).

  xmmreg: array [0..7] of txmmreg;


First 8 XMM registers.

  case Byte of

    1: (

        padding: array [0..43] of DWord;


Padding bytes.

        case Byte of

          1: (

              padding2: array [0..11] of DWord;


Padding bytes.


          2: (

              sw_reserved: tfpx_sw_bytes;


Reserved bytes.



    2: (

        padding1: array [0..43] of DWord;


Padding bytes.



Documentation generated on: Feb 20 2025