Writes the contents of the stream to a file.
Source position: classesh.inc line 1506
public procedure TCustomMemoryStream.SaveToFile( |
const FileName: string |
); |
SaveToFile writes the contents of the stream to a file with name FileName. It simply creates a filestream and writes the contents of the memorystream to this file stream using TCustomMemoryStream.SaveToStream.
Remark: | This method will work much faster than the use of the TStream.CopyFrom method: Stream:=TFileStream.Create(fmCreate,FileName); Seek(0,soFromBeginning); Stream.CopyFrom(Self,Size); because the CopyFrom method copies the contents in blocks, while SaveToFile writes the contents of the memory as one big block. |
If an error occurs when creating or writing to the file, an EStreamError exception may occur.
Writes the contents of the memory stream to another stream. |
Stream that stores its data in a named file on disk. |
Copy data from one stream to another. |