Unit 'Classes' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#rtl]


Callback for the TWriter.OnWriteMethodProperty event.


Source position: classesh.inc line 2082

type TWriteMethodPropertyEvent = procedure(

  Writer: TWriter;

  Instance: TPersistent;

  PropInfo: PPropInfo;

  const MethodValue: TMethod;

  const DefMethodValue: TMethod;

  var Handled: Boolean

) of object;


TWriteMethodPropertyEvent is the prototype for the TWriter.OnWriteMethodProperty event. Writer is the sender of the event, Instance is the instance that is being streamed. PropInfo is a pointer to the RTTI information for the property being written, and MethodValue is the value of the method that the property was set to. DefMethodCodeValue is set to the default value of the property (Nil or the parent value). Handled should be set to True if the handler set the property successfully.

See also



Handler from writing method properties.

Documentation generated on: Feb 20 2025