Unit 'System' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#rtl]


Assign a name to a file.


Source position: systemh.inc line 1382

procedure Assign(

  out f: file;

  const Name: ShortString


procedure Assign(

  out f: file;

  const p: PAnsiChar


procedure Assign(

  out f: file;

  const c: AnsiChar


procedure Assign(

  out f: file;

  const Name: UnicodeString


procedure Assign(

  out f: file;

  const Name: RawByteString


procedure Assign(

  out f: TypedFile;

  const Name: shortstring


procedure Assign(

  out f: TypedFile;

  const p: PAnsiChar


procedure Assign(

  out f: TypedFile;

  const c: AnsiChar


procedure Assign(

  out f: TypedFile;

  const Name: unicodestring


procedure Assign(

  out f: TypedFile;

  const Name: RawByteString


procedure Assign(

  out t: Text;

  const s: shortstring


procedure Assign(

  out t: Text;

  const p: PAnsiChar


procedure Assign(

  out t: Text;

  const c: AnsiChar


procedure Assign(

  out t: Text;

  const s: unicodestring


procedure Assign(

  out t: Text;

  const s: RawByteString



Assign assigns a name to F, which can be any file type. This call doesn't open the file, it just assigns a name to a file variable, and marks the file as closed.

Note that the filename (including path) can be only 255 characters long.



See also



Open file for reading.



Open file for writing.



Open a file in append mode.


Program Example5;

{ Program to demonstrate the Assign function. }

Var F : text;

  Assign (F,'');
  Rewrite (f);
  { The following can be put in any file by redirecting it
    from the command line.}
  Writeln (f,'This goes to standard output !');
  Close (f);
  Assign (F,'Test.txt');
  rewrite (f);
  writeln (f,'This doesn''t go to standard output !');
  close (f);

Documentation generated on: Oct 02 2024