Unit 'MUIClass.DrawPanel' Package
[Overview][Types][Classes][Variables][Index] [#MUIClass]


Internal class to keep click times for the double click timer


Source position: MUIClass.DrawPanel.pas line 25

type TMouseClickTime = record

  LSecs: LongWord;


Time in seconds the Left Mouse button was pressed last time

  LMicros: LongWord;


Additional milliseconds when the left mouse button was pressed

  MSecs: LongWord;


Time in seconds the middle Mouse button was pressed last time

  MMicros: LongWord;


Additional milliseconds when the middle mouse button was pressed

  RSecs: LongWord;


Time in seconds the right Mouse button was pressed last time

  RMicros: LongWord;


Additional milliseconds when the right mouse button was pressed


See also



Documentation generated on: 2024-10-07