Unit 'Intuition' Package
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Select a pointer for your window.


Source position: intuition.pas line 3316

procedure SetWindowPointerA(

  Win: PWindow;

  Taglist: PTagItem





A pointer to the window to receive this pointer definition



A pointer to a taglist describing your pointer


Allows you to set the pointer image associated with the specified window. Whenever the window is the active one, the pointer image will change to the window's version. If the window is the active one when this routine is called, the change takes place immediately.


The same three tags are also accepted by OpenWindowTagList(), which allows you to establish the initial pointer at the time you open your window.

WA_Pointer (APTR)
The pointer you wish to associate with your window. If nil, you are requesting the Preferences default pointer. Custom pointers should be allocated by performing a NewObject() on "pointerclass". Defaults to nil.
WA_BusyPointer (LongBool)
Set to True to request the Preferences busy-pointer. If False, your pointer will be as requested by WA_Pointer. Defaults to False.
WA_PointerDelay (LongBool)
Set to True to defer changing your pointer for a brief instant. This is typically used along with setting the busy pointer, especially when the application knows it may be busy for a very short while. If the application clears the pointer or sets another pointer before the delay expires, the pending pointer change is cancelled. This reduces short flashes of the busy pointer.


This example sets the standard busy pointer with pointer-delay, does a bit of work, then clears the pointer:

// Put up the busy pointer, with pointer-delay
   [WA_BusyPointer, True,
    WA_PointerDelay, True,
// Do busy stuff here
  // No tags means "clear the pointer"
SetWindowPointer(Win, [TAG_DONE]);

See also



Varargs Version of SetWindowPointerA()



Specify a pointer sprite image for a window.



Clear the mouse pointer definition from a window.

Documentation generated on: 2021-07-30