Get or set elements as JSON array values.
Source position: fpjson.pp line 611
public property TJSONArray.Arrays[Index: Integer] : TJSONArray |
Arrays gives direct access to JSON Array values when reading. Reading it is the equivalent to accessing
Items[Index] As TJSONArray
When writing, it will replace any previous value at that location with the written value. Note that the old value is freed, and the new value is owned by the array.
Indexed access to sub-items. |
Is the data a null value ? |
JSON types of elements in the array. |
Get or set elements as integer values. |
Get or set elements as string values. |
Get or set elements as Int64 values. |
Get or set elements as QWord values. |
Get or set elements as floating-point numerical values. |
Get or set elements as JSON object values. |