[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]
Single Application instance class using file communication.
Source position: advancedsingleinstance.pas line 42
type TAdvancedSingleInstance = class(TBaseSingleInstance) |
public |
constructor Create(); override; |
Create a new instance of TAdvancedSingleInstance. |
function Start; override; |
Start IPC communication and check the type of the application instance. |
procedure Stop; override; |
End IPC communication. |
procedure ServerCheckMessages; override; |
Check for incoming messages for the server. |
procedure ClientPostParams; override; |
Post client command-line parameters to the server. |
function ClientPostCustomRequest(); |
Send a custom message to the server. |
function ClientSendCustomRequest(); |
ClientSendCustomRequest. |
procedure ServerPostCustomResponse(); |
Post a server response to the client. |
function ClientPeekCustomResponse(); |
Check whether the server posted a response. |
property ID: AnsiString; [rw] |
The ID of this instance. |
property Global: Boolean; [rw] |
Is the instance global (for all users) or local (for the current user). |
property OnServerReceivedCustomRequest: TSingleInstanceReceivedCustomMessage; [rw] |
Server event truggered when a custom request is received. |
end; |
Single Application instance class using file communication. |
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Abstract class for single application instance. |
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TAdvancedSingleInstance is a TBaseSingleInstance descendent. It implements the required functionality using the IPC mechanism of the advancedipc unit: it uses files to communicate. This ensures the mechanism works on all platforms.
Abstract class for single application instance. |
advancedipc |
IPC using files. |