[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]
ASCII 85 encoding stream.
Source position: ascii85.pp line 82
type TASCII85EncoderStream = class(TOwnerStream) |
public |
constructor Create(); |
Create a new instance of TASCII85EncoderStream. |
destructor Destroy; override; |
Flushed the data to the output stream and cleans up the encoder instance. |
function Write(); override; |
Write data encoded to the destination stream. |
Width of the lines written to the data stream. |
property Boundary: Boolean; [r] |
Is a boundary delineator written before and after the data. |
end; |
ASCII 85 encoding stream. |
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TASCII85EncoderStream is the counterpart to the TASCII85DecoderStream decoder stream: what TASCII85EncoderStream encodes, can be decoded by TASCII85DecoderStream.
The encoder stream works using a destination stream: whatever data is written to the encoder stream is encoded and written to the destination stream. The stream must be passed on in the constructor.
Note that all encoded data is only written to the destination stream when the encoder stream is destroyed.
Create a new instance of TASCII85EncoderStream. |
ASCII 85 decoder stream. |