[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]
Implements a Blob Stream for TBufDataset.
Source position: bufdataset.pas line 62
type TBufBlobStream = class(TStream) |
public |
constructor Create(); |
Constructor for the class instance. |
destructor Destroy; override; |
Destructor for the class instance. |
end; |
Implements a Blob Stream for TBufDataset. |
| | ||
| | ||
TBufBlobStream is a TStream descendant which implements a Blob Stream for TBufDataset. TBufBlobStream has members which represent the Dataset and Field for the Blob, its Buffer, and modification flags. TBufBlobStream provides overridden methods used to perform Read, Write, and Seek operations using the buffer allocated for a Blob field.
TBufBlobStream instances are created in the TBufDataset.CreateBlobStream method.
Create blob stream. |