[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]
Helper class to store a mime type and its associated extensions.
Source position: fpmimetypes.pp line 35
type TMimeType = class(TObject) |
public |
constructor Create(); |
Create a new instance of TMimeType. |
procedure MergeExtensions(); |
Merge extensions in the list of extensions. |
property MimeType: string; [rw] |
Mime type name. |
property Extensions: string; [rw] |
Semicolon-separated list of extensions associated with MimeType. |
end; |
Helper class to store a mime type and its associated extensions. |
| | ||
TMimeType is a helper class which stores a MIME type and it's associated extensions. It should not be necessary to create instances of this class manually, the creation is handled entirely through the TFPMimeTypes class.
Mime type name. |
Semicolon-separated list of extensions associated with MimeType. |
Class to manage list of mime type mappings. |