[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]
Ini file section object.
Source position: inifiles.pp line 121
type TIniFileSection = class |
public |
function Empty; |
Is the section empty. |
constructor Create(); |
Create a new section object. |
destructor Destroy; override; |
Free the section object from memory. |
property Name: string; [r] |
Name of the section. |
property KeyList: TIniFileKeyList; [r] |
List of key/value pairs in this section. |
end; |
Ini file section object. |
| | ||
TIniFileSection is a class which represents a section in the .ini, and is used internally by the TIniFile class (one instance of TIniFileSection is created for each section in the file by the TIniFileSectionList list). The name of the section is stored in the Name property, and the key/value pairs in this section are available in the KeyList property.
Key list object. |
Ini file implementation. |
Section objects list. |