[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]
Event propagation object.
Source position: syncobjs.pp line 117
type TEventObject = class(THandleObject) |
public |
constructor Create(); overload; |
Create a new event object. |
procedure ResetEvent; |
Reset the event. |
procedure SetEvent; |
Set the event. |
property ManualReset: Boolean; [r] |
Should the event be reset manually. |
end; |
Event propagation object. |
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Class encapsulating an operating system handle. |
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Abstract synchronization object. |
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TEventObject encapsulates the BasicEvent implementation of the system unit in a class. The event can be used to notify other threads of a change in conditions. (in POSIX terms, this is a conditional variable). A thread that wishes to notify other threads creates an instance of TEventObject with a certain name, and posts events to it. Other threads that wish to be notified of these events should create their own instances of TEventObject with the same name, and wait for events to arrive.
Critical section. |