[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]
Collection used to store information about files and directories in the .zip archive.
Source position: zipper.pp line 409
type TZipFileEntries = class(TCollection) |
public |
function AddFileEntry(); |
Adds file to zip directory. |
procedure AddFileEntries(); |
Adds TZipFileEntry instances in the collection for the file names in List. |
property Entries []: TZipFileEntry; default; [rw] |
Entries (files) in the zip archive. |
end; |
Collection used to store information about files and directories in the .zip archive. |
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TZipFileEntries is a TCollection descendant which provides support for using TZipFileEntry instances as the Items in the collection. It provides an indexed Entries property used to access the TZipFileEntry instances in the collection, and serves as the default property for enumerator access.
TZipFileEntries is the type used to implement the Entries property in TZipper.
Entries (files) in the zip archive. |
Represents a file or directory added to a .ZIP file. |
Collection with the TZipFileEntry instances in the .ZIP archive. |
Collection with TFullZipFileEntry instances for files and directories stored in the .ZIP archive. |
Collection of TFullZipFileEntry items. |