In this section values for various compiler options can be specified, such as the location of several directories and search paths.
The following general keywords are recognised:
The value of this key will be passed on to the compiler (verbatim) as command line options.
If a specific or minimum compiler version is needed to compile the units or programs, then this version should be specified here.
The following keys can be used to control the location of the various directories used by the compiler:
A colon-separated list of directories that must be added to the unit search path of the compiler (using the -Fu option).
A colon-separated list of directories that must be added to the library search path of the compiler (using the -Fl option).
A colon-separated list of directories that must be added to the object file search path of the compiler (using the -Fo option).
Specifies the directory where the compiled programs should go (using the -FE option).
A space separated list of directories where sources can reside. This will be used for the vpath setting of gnu make.
Specifies the directory where the compiled units should go (using the -FU option).
A colon-separated list of directories that must be added to the include file search path of the compiler (using the -Fi option).