Unit 'System' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#rtl]


Record describing the variant manager.


Source position: varianth.inc line 156

type tvariantmanager = record

  vartoint: function(


Called to convert a variant to an integer value.

  const v: variant


  vartoint64: function(


Called to convert a variant to an int64 value.

  const v: variant


  vartoword64: function(


Called to convert a variant to a word64 value.

  const v: variant


  vartobool: function(


Called to convert a variant to a boolean value.

  const v: variant


  vartoreal: function(


Called to convert a variant to a value.

  const v: variant


  vartotdatetime: function(


Callback to convert a variant to a TDatetime value.

  const v: variant


  vartocurr: function(


Called to convert a variant to a value.

  const v: variant


  vartopstr: procedure(


Called to convert a variant to a value.

  var s;

  const v: variant


  vartolstr: procedure(


Called to convert a variant to a value.

  var s: ansistring;

  const v: variant


  vartowstr: procedure(


Called to convert a variant to a value.

  var s: widestring;

  const v: variant


  vartointf: procedure(


Called to convert a variant to a value.

  var intf: IInterface;

  const v: variant


  vartodisp: procedure(


Called to convert a variant to a value.

  var disp: IDispatch;

  const v: variant


  vartodynarray: procedure(


Called to convert a variant to a value.

  var dynarr: pointer;

  const v: variant;

  typeinfo: pointer


  varfrombool: procedure(


Called to convert a value to a variant.

  var dest: variant;

  const source: Boolean


  varfromint: procedure(


Called to convert a value to a variant.

  var dest: variant;

  const source: LongInt;

  const Range: LongInt


  varfromint64: procedure(


Called to convert a value to a variant.

  var dest: variant;

  const source: Int64


  varfromword64: procedure(


Called to convert a value to a variant.

  var dest: variant;

  const source: QWord


  varfromreal: procedure(


Called to convert a value to a variant.

  var dest: variant;

  const source: extended


  varfromtdatetime: procedure(


Callback to convert a TDateTime value to a variant.

  var dest: Variant;

  const source: TDateTime


  varfromcurr: procedure(


Callback to convert a variant to a currency value.

  var dest: Variant;

  const source: Currency


  varfrompstr: procedure(


Called to convert a value to a variant.

  var dest: variant;

  const source: ShortString


  varfromlstr: procedure(


Called to convert a value to a variant.

  var dest: variant;

  const source: ansistring


  varfromwstr: procedure(


Called to convert a value to a variant.

  var dest: variant;

  const source: WideString


  varfromintf: procedure(


Called to convert a value to a variant.

  var dest: variant;

  const source: IInterface


  varfromdisp: procedure(


Called to convert a value to a variant.

  var dest: variant;

  const source: IDispatch


  varfromdynarray: procedure(


Called to convert a value to a variant.

  var dest: variant;

  const source: pointer;

  typeinfo: pointer


  olevarfrompstr: procedure(


Called to convert a value to a variant.

  var dest: olevariant;

  const source: shortstring


  olevarfromlstr: procedure(


Called to convert a value to a variant.

  var dest: olevariant;

  const source: ansistring


  olevarfromvar: procedure(


Called to convert a value to a variant.

  var dest: olevariant;

  const source: variant


  olevarfromint: procedure(


Called to convert a value to a variant.

  var dest: olevariant;

  const source: Int64;

  const range: ShortInt


  varop: procedure(


Called to perform a variant operation:.

  var left: variant;

  const right: variant;

  opcode: tvarop


  cmpop: function(


Called to perform a variant operation:.

  const left: variant;

  const right: variant;

  const opcode: tvarop


  varneg: procedure(


Called to perform a variant operation:.

  var v: variant


  varnot: procedure(


Called to perform a variant operation:.

  var v: variant


  varinit: procedure(


Called to perform a variant operation:.

  var v: variant


  varclear: procedure(


Called to perform a variant operation:.

  var v: variant


  varaddref: procedure(


Called to perform a variant operation:.

  var v: variant


  varcopy: procedure(


Called to perform a variant operation:.

  var dest: variant;

  const source: variant


  varcast: procedure(


Called to perform a variant operation:.

  var dest: variant;

  const source: variant;

  vartype: LongInt


  varcastole: procedure(


Called to perform a variant operation:.

  var dest: variant;

  const source: variant;

  vartype: LongInt


  dispinvoke: procedure(


Called to perform a variant operation:.

  dest: pvardata;

  var source: tvardata;

  calldesc: pcalldesc;

  params: pointer


  vararrayredim: procedure(


Called to perform a variant operation:.

  var a: variant;

  highbound: SizeInt


  vararrayget: function(


Called to perform a variant operation:.

  const a: variant;

  indexcount: SizeInt;

  indices: PLongint


  vararrayput: procedure(


Called to perform a variant operation:.

  var a: variant;

  const value: variant;

  indexcount: SizeInt;

  indices: PLongint


  writevariant: function(


Called to perform a variant operation:.

  var t: text;

  const v: variant;

  width: LongInt


  write0Variant: function(


Called to perform a variant operation:.

  var t: text;

  const v: Variant




TVariantManager describes the variant manager as expected by the SetVariantManager call.

See also



Set the current variant manager.

Documentation generated on: Feb 20 2025