Contents of the list as a comma-separated string.
Source position: line 1058
public property TStrings.CommaText : string |
CommaText represents the stringlist as a single string, consisting of a comma-separated concatenation of the strings in the list. If one of the strings contains spaces, comma's or quotes it will be enclosed by double quotes. Any double quotes in a string will be doubled. For instance the following strings:
Comma,string Quote"string Space string NormalSttring
is converted to
"Comma,string","Quote""String","Space string",NormalString
Conversely, when setting the CommaText property, the text will be parsed according to the rules outlined above, and the strings will be set accordingly. Note that spaces will in this context be regarded as string separators, unless the string as a whole is contained in double quotes. Spaces that occur next to a delimiter will be ignored. The following string:
"Comma,string" , "Quote""String",Space string,, NormalString
Will be converted to
Comma,String Quote"String Space String NormalString
This is a special case of the TStrings.DelimitedText property where the quote character is always the double quote, and the delimiter is always the colon.
Setting CommaText is equivalent to clearing the stringlist and calling TStrings.AddCommaText.
Contents of the list as one big string. |
Set the contents of the list from a PChar. |
Get or set all strings in the list in a delimited form. |
Adds a comma-separated list of strings. |