Unit 'Classes' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#rtl]


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Class to manage arrays or collections of strings.


Source position: classesh.inc line 903

type TStrings = class(TPersistent)


  constructor Create;


Initializ a new TStrings instance.

  destructor Destroy; override;


Frees all strings and objects, and removes the list from memory.

  function ToObjectArray();


Return the objects as an array of object.

  function ToStringArray();


Return the strings as an array of string.

  function Add();


Add a string to the list.

  function AddObject();


Add a string and associated object to the list.

  function AddPair();


Add a name-value pair.

  procedure AddStrings();


Add contents of another stringlist to this list.

  procedure SetStrings();


Replace the strings with the passed strings.

  procedure AddText(); virtual;


Add text to the string list.

  procedure AddCommaText();


Adds a comma-separated list of strings.

  procedure AddDelimitedText();


Adds a separator-delimited list of strings.

  procedure Append();


Add a string to the list.

  procedure Assign(); override;


Assign the contents of another stringlist to this one.

  procedure BeginUpdate;


Mark the beginning of an update batch.

  procedure Clear; virtual; abstract;


Removes all strings and associated objects from the list.

  procedure Delete(); virtual; abstract;


Delete a string from the list.

  procedure EndUpdate;


Mark the end of an update batch.

  function Equals();


Compares the contents of two stringlists.

  procedure Exchange(); virtual;


Exchanges two strings in the list.

  function ExtractName();


Extract the name part of a string.

  procedure Filter();


Return a filtered list.

  procedure Fill();


Set a range of strings in the list to the specified value.

  procedure ForEach();


Call a callback for each string in the list.

  function GetEnumerator;


Create an IEnumerator instance.

  procedure GetNameValue();


Return both name and value of a name,value pair based on it's index.

  function GetText; virtual;


Returns the contents as a PChar.

  function IndexOf();


Find a string in the list and return its position.

  function IndexOfName(); virtual;


Finds the index of a name in the name-value pairs.

  function IndexOfObject(); virtual;


Finds an object in the list and returns its index.

  procedure Insert(); virtual; abstract;


Insert a string in the list.

  procedure InsertObject(); virtual;


Insert a string and associated object in the list.

  function LastIndexOf();


Return the index of the last occurrence of a string.

  procedure LoadFromFile();


Load the contents of a file as a series of strings.

  procedure LoadFromStream();


Load the contents of a stream as a series of strings.

  procedure Map();


Call a map routine for each string in the list.

  procedure Move(); virtual;


Move a string from one place in the list to another.

  function Pop;


Remove the last string of the list and return it.

  function Reduce();


Get a reduced value from the string list.

  function Reverse();


Reverse the order of the strings in the list.

  procedure SaveToFile();


Save the contents of the list to a file.

  procedure SaveToStream();


Save the contents of the string to a stream.

  function Shift;


Return and remove the first string in the list.

  procedure Slice();


Return a subrange of strings starting at a given index.

  procedure SetText(); virtual;


Set the contents of the list from a PChar.

  property AlwaysQuote: Boolean; [rw]


Always quote strings in DelimitedText.

  property Capacity: Integer; [rw]


Capacity of the list, i.e. number of strings that the list can currently hold before it tries to expand.

  property CommaText: string; [rw]


Contents of the list as a comma-separated string.

  property Count: Integer; [r]


Number of strings in the list.

  property DefaultEncoding: TEncoding; [rw]


Default encoding of stringlist.

  property DelimitedText: string; [rw]


Get or set all strings in the list in a delimited form.

  property Delimiter: char; [rw]


Delimiter character used in DelimitedText.

  property Encoding: TEncoding; [r]


Current encoding of stringlist.

  property LineBreak: string; [rw]


LineBreak character to use.

  property MissingNameValueSeparatorAction: TMissingNameValueSeparatorAction; [rw]


What to do if NameValueSeparator is missing in a string.

  property Names []: string; [r]


Name parts of the name-value pairs in the list.

  property NameValueSeparator: char; [rw]


Value of the character used to separate name,value pairs.

  property Objects []: TObject; [rw]


Indexed access to the objects associated with the strings in the list.

  property Options: TStringsOptions; [rw]


A set of TStringsOption - various boolean properties.

  property QuoteChar: char; [rw]


Quote character used in DelimitedText.

  property SkipLastLineBreak: Boolean; [rw]


Do not add a linebreak to the last item.

  property TrailingLineBreak: Boolean; [rw]


Add a linebreak to the last item.

  property StrictDelimiter: Boolean; [rw]


Should only the delimiter character be considered a delimiter.

  property Strings []: string; default; [rw]


Indexed access to the strings in the list.

  property StringsAdapter: IStringsAdapter; [rw]


Not implemented in Free Pascal.

  property Text: string; [rw]


Contents of the list as one big string.

  property TextLineBreakStyle: TTextLineBreakStyle; [rw]


Determines which line breaks to use in the Text property.

  property UseLocale: Boolean; [rw]


Determines what methods are used in strings comparison.

  property ValueFromIndex []: string; [rw]


Return the value part of a string based on it's index.

  property Values []: string; [rw]


Value parts of the name-value pairs in the list.

  property WriteBOM: Boolean; [rw]


Write BOM when writing stringlist to stream.





Class to manage arrays or collections of strings.




Base class for streaming system and persistent properties.




Base class of all classes.


TStrings implements an abstract class to manage an array of strings. It introduces methods to set and retrieve strings in the array, searching for a particular string, concatenating the strings and so on. It also allows an arbitrary object to be associated with each string.

It also introduces methods to manage a series of name=value settings, as found in many configuration files.

An instance of TStrings is never created directly, instead a descendant class such as TStringList should be created. This is because TStrings is an abstract class which does not implement all methods; TStrings also doesn't store any strings, this is the functionality introduced in descendants such as TStringList.

TStrings implements the IFPObserved interface: when the stringlist is changed, a ooChanged notification is sent to all observers.

See also



Standard implementation of the TStrings class.



Interface implemented by an object that can be observed.

Documentation generated on: Feb 20 2025