Unit 'StrUtils' Package
[Overview][Resource strings][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Index] [#rtl]


Convert a binary buffer to a hexadecimal string.


Source position: strutils.pp line 244

procedure BinToHex(

  const BinBuffer: TBytes;

  BinBufOffset: Integer;

  var HexBuffer: TBytes;

  HexBufOffset: Integer;

  Count: Integer

); overload;

procedure BinToHex(

  BinValue: Pointer;

  HexValue: PWideChar;

  BinBufSize: Integer

); overload;

procedure BinToHex(

  const BinValue;

  HexValue: PWideChar;

  BinBufSize: Integer

); overload;

procedure BinToHex(

  BinValue: PAnsiChar;

  HexValue: PAnsiChar;

  BinBufSize: Integer

); overload;

procedure BinToHex(

  BinValue: PAnsiChar;

  HexValue: PWideChar;

  BinBufSize: Integer

); overload;

procedure BinToHex(

  const BinValue;

  HexValue: PAnsiChar;

  BinBufSize: Integer

); overload;

procedure BinToHex(

  BinValue: Pointer;

  HexValue: PAnsiChar;

  BinBufSize: Integer

); overload;


BinToHex converts the byte values in BinValue to a string consisting of 2-charachter hexadecimal strings in HexValue. BufSize specifies the length of BinValue, which means that HexValue must have size 2*BufSize.

For example a buffer containing the byte values 255 and 0 will be converted to FF00.


No length checking is done, so if an invalid size is specified, an exception may follow.

See also



Convert a hexadecimal string to a binary buffer.

Documentation generated on: Feb 20 2025