Unit 'StrUtils' Package
[Overview][Resource strings][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Index] [#rtl]


Find last occurrence substring or character in a string, starting at a certain position.


Source position: strutils.pp line 194

function RPosEx(

  C: AnsiChar;

  const S: AnsiString;

  offs: SizeInt

):SizeInt; overload;

function RPosEx(

  C: UnicodeChar;

  const S: UnicodeString;

  offs: SizeInt

):SizeInt; overload;

function RPosEx(

  const Substr: AnsiString;

  const Source: AnsiString;

  offs: SizeInt

):SizeInt; overload;

function RPosEx(

  const Substr: UnicodeString;

  const Source: UnicodeString;

  offs: SizeInt

):SizeInt; overload;


RPos looks in S for the character C or the string SubStr. It starts looking at position Offs (counted from the start of the string), and searches towards the beginning of the string. If a match is found, it returns the position of the match.

See also



Find last occurrence of substring or character in a string.

Documentation generated on: Feb 20 2025