Unit 'unicodedata' Package
[Overview][Resource strings][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Index] [#rtl]


Unicode integer 24-bit data.


Source position: unicodedata.pas line 223

type TUInt24Rec = packed record


  c: Byte;

  b: Byte;

  a: Byte;

  property byte0: Byte; [rw]


First byte.

  property byte1: Byte; [rw]


Second byte.

  property byte2: Byte; [rw]


Third byte.

  class operator implicit(TUInt24Rec):Cardinal();


Assign TUInt24Rec to cardinal.

  class operator implicit(TUInt24Rec):LongInt();


Assign TUInt24Rec to longint.

  class operator implicit(TUInt24Rec):Word();


Assign TUInt24Rec to word.

  class operator implicit(TUInt24Rec):Byte();


Assign TUInt24Rec to byte.

  class operator implicit(Cardinal):TUInt24Rec();


Assign TUInt24Recfrom Cardinal.

  class operator equal(TUInt24Rec,TUInt24Rec):Boolean();


Determine equality of 2 TUInt24Rec records.

  class operator equal(TUInt24Rec,Cardinal):Boolean();


Check if cardinal and TUInt24Rec are equal.

  class operator equal(Cardinal,TUInt24Rec):Boolean();


Check whether a TUInt24Rec value equals a cardinal value.

  class operator equal(TUInt24Rec,LongInt):Boolean();


Check whether a TUInt24Rec value equals a longint value.

  class operator equal(LongInt,TUInt24Rec):Boolean();


Check whether a TUInt24Rec value equals a longint value.

  class operator equal(TUInt24Rec,Word):Boolean();


Check whether a TUInt24Rec value equals a word value.

  class operator equal(Word,TUInt24Rec):Boolean();


Check whether a TUInt24Rec value equals a word value.

  class operator equal(TUInt24Rec,Byte):Boolean();


Check whether a TUInt24Rec value equals a byte value.

  class operator equal(Byte,TUInt24Rec):Boolean();


Check whether a TUInt24Rec value equals a byte value.

  class operator notequal(TUInt24Rec,TUInt24Rec):Boolean();


Check whether 2 TUInt24Rec values differ.

  class operator notequal(TUInt24Rec,Cardinal):Boolean();


Check whether a TUInt24Rec value differs from a cardinal value.

  class operator notequal(Cardinal,TUInt24Rec):Boolean();


Check whether a TUInt24Rec value differs from a cardinal value.

  class operator greaterthan(TUInt24Rec,TUInt24Rec):Boolean();


Check whether a TUInt24Rec value is greater than another TUInt24Rec value.

  class operator greaterthan(TUInt24Rec,Cardinal):Boolean();


Check whether a TUInt24Rec value is greater than a cardinal value.

  class operator greaterthan(Cardinal,TUInt24Rec):Boolean();


Check whether a cardinal value is greater than a TUInt24Rec value.

  class operator greaterthanorequal(TUInt24Rec,TUInt24Rec):Boolean();


Check whether a TUInt24Rec value is greater than or equal to a cardinal value.

  class operator greaterthanorequal(TUInt24Rec,Cardinal):Boolean();


Check whether a TUInt24Rec value is greater than or equal to a cardinal value.

  class operator greaterthanorequal(Cardinal,TUInt24Rec):Boolean();


Check whether a cardinal value is greater than or equal to a TUInt24Rec value.

  class operator lessthan(TUInt24Rec,TUInt24Rec):Boolean();


Check whether a TUInt24Rec value is less than another TUInt24Rec value.

  class operator lessthan(TUInt24Rec,Cardinal):Boolean();


Check whether a TUInt24Rec value is less than a cardinal value.

  class operator lessthan(Cardinal,TUInt24Rec):Boolean();


Check whether a cardinal value is less than a TUInt24Rec value.

  class operator lessthanorequal(TUInt24Rec,TUInt24Rec):Boolean();


Check whether a TUInt24Rec value is less than or equal to another TUInt24Rec value.

  class operator lessthanorequal(TUInt24Rec,Cardinal):Boolean();


Check whether a TUInt24Rec value is less than or equal to a cardinal value.

  class operator lessthanorequal(Cardinal,TUInt24Rec):Boolean();


Check whether a cardinal value is less than or equal to a TUInt24Rec value.



Unicode data exists mostly of 24-bit data (3 bytes). This type is meant to deal efficiently with this data. it has members to split out the data in bytes, and functions to query the various properties stored in the data.

Documentation generated on: Feb 20 2025