Unit 'MUIClass.Group' Package
[Overview][Classes][Index] [#MUIClass]


[i] Specify the colors that the user should be able to adjust with this palette object.


Source position: MUIClass.Group.pas line 286

public property TMUIPalette.Entries : PMUI_Palette_Entry
  read FEntries
  write SetEntries;


You supply an array of MUI_Palette_Structures here, each entry defining one color:

TMUI_Palette_Entry = record
  mpe_ID: LongInt;
  mpe_Red: LongWord;
  mpe_Green: LongWord;
  mpe_Blue: LongWord;
  mpe_Group: LongWord;
This entry is not used by palette class, you can put in whatever you want, except the value MUIV_Palette_Entry_End (-1), which terminates the array.
32-bit red component of the current color. This field will be changed by palette class whenever the user edits the color.
32-bit green component of the current color. This field will be changed by palette class whenever the user edits the color.
32-bit blue component of the current color. This field will be changed by palette class whenever the user edits the color.
Entries with the same mpe_Group value are concatenated. Whenever a new color in the listview is selected, all other colors with the same mpe_Group get selected as well and get adjusted all at once. Entry concatenation can be changed by the user, as long as you don't disable this feature with the Groupable attribute.

See also



Specify the names of a palette objects color entries.

Documentation generated on: 2025-03-12