Unit 'MUIClass.Group' Package
[Overview][Classes][Index] [#MUIClass]


[i] Define what entries shall be displayed in your radio gadget.


Source position: MUIClass.Group.pas line 209

published property TMUIRadio.Entries : TStringArray
  read FEntries
  write SetEntries;


Supply a string list of Names shown next to the Radio items.

Remember that radio gadget entries may contain any text formatting code such as bold, italic or underlined characters.

By default, MUI will place the entries vertically below each other. But since Radio is a subclass of group class, you can use group layout attributes to adjust the layout to your needs, e.g.

Horiz := True;

for a horizontal radio button row or even Rows/Columns for a more fancy layout. If you use these layout features, keep in mind that Radio creates exactly one child object for each entry.


Radio := TMUIRadio.Create;
with Radio do
  Entries := ['normal', 'highlight', '3-dimensional'];
  OnActiveChange := @RadioEvent;
  Parent := intmuirootclass.html

See also



Define the number of the active entry in the radio gadgets.



String to be displayed in a text object.

Documentation generated on: 2025-03-12