Unit 'mui' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#aros]

Reference for unit 'mui'





This unit contains the types and wrapper functions for the exec.library.



Screen and Window handling routines of intuition.library



Tag Handling, Date routines in utility.library



Native AROS graphic functions (graphics.library)



Notify (implements notification mechanism)
+------------ Family (handles multiple children)
| +------------ Menustrip (describes a complete menu strip)
| +------------ Menu (describes a single menu)
| \------------- Menuitem (describes a single menu item)
+------------ Application (main class for all applications)
+------------ Window (main class for all windows)
| \------------- Aboutmui (About window of MUI preferences)
\------------- Area (base class for all GUI elements)
+------------ Rectangle (spacing object)
+------------ Balance (balancing separator bar)
+------------ Image (image display)
+------------ Bitmap (draws bitmaps)
| \------------- Bodychunk (makes bitmap from ILBM body chunk)
+------------ Text (text display)
+------------ Gadget (base class for intuition gadgets)
| +------------ String (string gadget)
| +------------ Boopsi (interface to BOOPSI gadgets)
| \------------- Prop (proportional gadget)
+------------ Gauge (fule gauge)
+------------ Scale (percentage scale)
+------------ Colorfield (field with changeable color)
+------------ List (line-oriented list)
| +------------ Floattext (special list with floating text)
| +------------ Volumelist (special list with volumes)
| +------------ Scrmodelist (special list with screen modes)
| \------------- DirList (special list with files)
+------------ Numeric (base class for slider gadgets)
| +------------ Knop (turning knob)
| +------------ Levelmeter (level display)
| +------------ Numericbutton (space saving popup slider)
| \------------- Slider (traditional slider)
+------------ Framedisplay (private)
| \------------- Popframe (private)
+------------ Imagedisplay (private)
| \------------- Popimage (private)
+------------ Pendisplay (displays a pen specification)
| \------------- Poppen (popup button to adjust a pen spec)
\------------- Group (groups other GUI elements)
+------------ Mccprefs (private)
+------------ Register (handles page groups with titles)
| \------------------ Penadjust (group to adjust a pen)
+------------ Settingsgroup (private)
+------------ Settings (private)
+------------ Frameadjust (private)
+------------ Imageadjust (private)
+------------ Virtgroup (handles virtual groups)
+------------ Scrollgroup (virtual groups with scrollbars)
+------------ Scrollbar (traditional scrollbar)
+------------ Listview (listview)
+------------ Radio (radio button)
+------------ Cycle (cycle gadget)
+------------ Coloradjust (several gadgets to adjust a color)
+------------ Palette (complete palette gadget)
\------------- Popstring (base class for popup objects)
+----------------- Popobject (popup aynthing in a separate window)
| +------------ Poplist (popup a simple listview)
| \------------- Popscreen (popup a list of public screens)
\------------------ Popasl (popup an asl requester)
Semaphore (semaphore equipped objects)
+------------ Applist (private)
\------------- Dataspace (handles general purpose data spaces)
\------------- Configdata (private)

Documentation generated on: 2021-07-30