Unit 'mui' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#aros]



Source position: mui.pas line 854

const MUIC_Application: PChar = 'Application.mui';


rootclass --> Notify --> Application

_______________ Field _______________ ___ Access ___ _____ Type _____ Short description
MUIA_Application_Active ISG BOOL (0/1) This attribute reflects the state that the user adjusted with commodities Exchange.
MUIA_Application_Author I_G PChar Name of the applications author.
MUIA_Application_Base I_G PChar The basename for an application.
MUIA_Application_Broker __G PBroker Obtain a pointer to the applications Broker structure.
MUIA_Application_BrokerHook ISG PHook The function will be called whenever a commodities message arrives.
MUIA_Application_BrokerPort __G PMsgPort Get a pointer to the applications commodities message port.
MUIA_Application_BrokerPri I_G LongInt Adjust the priority of an applications broker.
MUIA_Application_Commands ISG PMUI_Command Include its own set of ARexx commands.
MUIA_Application_Copyright I_G PChar A copyright string, containing the year and the company.
MUIA_Application_Description I_G PChar Short description
MUIA_Application_DiskObject ISG PChar Defines AppIcon when your application gets iconified.
MUIA_Application_DoubleStart __G BOOL (0/1) Set if application get started twice. (Single Task App)
MUIA_Application_DropObject IS_ PObject_ Object dropped on your AppIcon
MUIA_Application_ForceQuit __G BOOL (0/1) Quit program without requesters.
MUIA_Application_HelpFile ISG PChar Define AmigaGuide file as Help file.
MUIA_Application_Iconified _SG BOOL (0/1) Iconify the application.
MUIA_Application_MenuAction __G LongWord UserData of selected menu item
MUIA_Application_MenuHelp __G LongWord UserData of menu item selected and Help key pressed.
MUIA_Application_Menustrip I__ PObject_ Specify a menu strip object for the application.
MUIA_Application_RexxHook ISG PHook Hook for arriving Rexx messages.
MUIA_Application_RexxMsg __G PRxMsg Rexx message for arriving Rexx messages.
MUIA_Application_RexxString _S_ PChar ARexx allows returning a string as result of a function call.
MUIA_Application_SingleTask I__ BOOL (0/1) Define application as single task program.
MUIA_Application_Sleep _S_ BOOL (0/1) This attribute can be used to put a whole application to sleep.
MUIA_Application_Title I_G PChar Defines the title of an application.
MUIA_Application_UseCommodities I__ BOOL (0/1) When set to False, the application will run without a commodities interface.
MUIA_Application_UsedClasses ISG PChar Tell the MUI system what external classes your application might use.
MUIA_Application_UseRexx I__ BOOL (0/1) When set to FALSE, the application will run without an ARexx interface.
MUIA_Application_Version I_G PChar Define a version string for an application.
MUIA_Application_Window I__ PChar A pointer to a MUI object of Window class.
MUIA_Application_WindowList __G PList List of children (i.e. windows) of an application.
Fields inherited from Notify
_______________ Field _______________ ___ Access ___ _____ Type _____ Short description
MUIA_ApplicationObject __G PObject_ Obtain a pointer to the application object that some gadget belongs
MUIA_AppMessage __G PAppMessage Listen to this field to get AppMessages (Icon dropped on the App window)
MUIA_HelpLine ISG LongInt Define a line in a help file specified with MUIA_Application_HelpFile
MUIA_HelpNode ISG PChar Define a node in a help file specified with MUIA_Application_HelpFile
MUIA_NoNotify _S_ BOOL (0/1) Prevent notification from being triggered on attribute set
MUIA_ObjectID ISG LongWord Identification for object on save/load
MUIA_Parent __G PObject_ Get a pointer to the parent object of the current object
MUIA_Revision __G LongInt Get the revision number of an objects class
MUIA_UserData ISG LongWord A general purpose value to fill in any kind of information
MUIA_Version __G LongInt Get the version number of an objects class

_______________ Method _______________ Short description
MUIM_Application_AboutMUI Show the MUI about window.
MUIM_Application_AddInputHandler Set Input Handler for custom classes.
MUIM_Application_CheckRefresh Check all currently open windows if they need refreshing and refreshes them if necessary.
MUIM_Application_GetMenuCheck Ask whether a checkmark menu item has its checkmark set or cleared.
MUIM_Application_GetMenuState Ask whether a menu item is enabled or disabled.
MUIM_Application_Input Process user input.
MUIM_Application_InputBuffered Buffer user input.
MUIM_Application_Load Load programs configuration.
MUIM_Application_NewInput This is an enhanced replacement for MUIM_Application_Input.
MUIM_Application_OpenConfigWindow Open applications own MUI configuration.
MUIM_Application_PushMethod Push method from second task to main task.
MUIM_Application_RemInputHandler Remove Input Handler for custom classes.
MUIM_Application_RemInputHandler Tell MUI to return the given id with the next call to MUIM_Application_Input.
MUIM_Application_Save Save programs configuration.
MUIM_Application_SetConfigItem Private Method for PSI.
MUIM_Application_SetMenuCheck Set or clear the checkmark of a menu item.
MUIM_Application_SetMenuState Enable or disable a menu item.
MUIM_Application_ShowHelp Show an AmigaGuide help file.
Methods inherited from Notify
_______________ Method _______________ Short description
MUIM_CallHook Call a standard amiga callback hook
MUIM_Export Called on export object to dataspace
MUIM_FindUData Find a userdata in objects and childrens list and return the object
MUIM_GetUData Find a userdata in objects and childrens list and return an attribute of the object
MUIM_Import Called on import object from dataspace
MUIM_KillNotify Kills previously given notifications on specific attributes
MUIM_MultiSet Set an attribute for multiple objects.
MUIM_NoNotifySet Acts like MUIM_Notify but doesn't trigger any notification
MUIM_Notify Add a notification event handler to an object
MUIM_Set Set an attribute to a value
MUIM_SetAsString Set a (text kind) attribute to a string.
MUIM_SetUData Find a userdata in objects and childrens list and set an attribute of the object
MUIM_SetUDataOnce This method performs like MUIM_SetUData, but stop at first found object.
MUIM_WriteLong This method simply writes a longword somewhere to memory.
MUIM_WriteString This method simply copies a string somewhere to memory.
MUIM_ConnectParent (AROS only)
MUIM_DisconnectParent (AROS only)

Documentation generated on: 2021-07-30