Unit 'mui' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#aros]



Source position: mui.pas line 192

type TMUI_PubScreenDesc = record

  Version: LongInt;


  Name: array [0..PSD_MAXLEN_NAME-1] of Char;


  Title: array [0..PSD_MAXLEN_TITLE-1] of Char;


  Font: array [0..PSD_MAXLEN_FONT-1] of Char;


  Background: array [0..PSD_MAXLEN_BACKGROUND-1] of Char;


  DisplayID: LongWord;


  DisplayWidth: Word;


  DisplayHeight: Word;


  DisplayDepth: Byte;


  OverscanType: Byte;


  AutoScroll: Byte;


  NoDrag: Byte;


  Exclusive: Byte;


  Interleaved: Byte;


  SysDefault: Byte;


  Behind: Byte;


  AutoClose: Byte;


  CloseGadget: Byte;


  DummyWasForeign: Byte;


  SystemPens: array [0..(PSD_MAXSYSPENS)-1] of Byte;


  Reserved: array [0..((1+(7*4))-PSD_MAXSYSPENS)-1] of Byte;


  Palette: array [0..(PSD_NUMCOLS)-1] of TMUI_RGBcolor;


  rsvd: array [0..(PSD_MAXSYSPENS-PSD_NUMCOLS)-1] of TMUI_RGBcolor;


  rsvd2: array [0..(PSD_MAXMUIPENS)-1] of TMUI_PenSpec;


  Changed: LongInt;


  UserData: Pointer;



Documentation generated on: 2021-07-30