[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]
Class of TJSONArray.
Source position: fpjson.pp line 492
type TJSONArray = class(TJSONData) |
public |
constructor Create(); |
Create a new instance of JSON array data. |
destructor Destroy; override; |
Free the JSON array. |
class function JSONType; override; |
native JSON data type. |
function Clone; override; |
Clone the JSON array. |
procedure Iterate(); |
Iterate over all elements in the array. |
function IndexOf(); |
Return index of JSONData instance in array. |
function GetEnumerator; override; |
Get an array enumerator. |
procedure Clear; override; |
Clear the array. |
function Add(); |
Add a JSON value to the array. |
procedure Delete(); |
Delete an element from the list by index. |
procedure Exchange(); |
Exchange 2 elements in the list. |
function Extract(); |
Extract an element from the array. |
procedure Insert(); |
Insert an element in the array. |
procedure Move(); |
Move a value from one location to another. |
procedure Remove(); |
Remove an element from the list. |
procedure Sort(); |
Sort the items in the array. |
Indexed access to the values in the array. |
JSON types of elements in the array. |
property Nulls []: Boolean; [r] |
Check which elements are null. |
Get or set elements as integer values. |
Get or set elements as Int64 values. |
property LargeInts []: TJSONLargeInt; [rw] |
Get or set elements as LargeInt values. |
Get or set elements as QWord values. |
property UnicodeStrings []: TJSONUnicodeStringType; [rw] |
Get or set elements as Unicode string values. |
property Strings []: TJSONStringType; [rw] |
Get or set elements as string values. |
property Floats []: TJSONFloat; [rw] |
Get or set elements as floating-point numerical values. |
property Booleans []: Boolean; [rw] |
Get or set elements as boolean values. |
property Arrays []: TJSONArray; [rw] |
Get or set elements as JSON array values. |
property Objects []: TJSONObject; [rw] |
Get or set elements as JSON object values. |
end; |
Class of TJSONArray. |
| | ||
Base (abstract) object for all JSON based data types. |
| | ||
TJSONArrayClass is the class type of TJSONArray. It is used in the factory methods.
Class of TJSONArray. |
JSON factory: Set the JSONData class types to use. |
JSON factory: Get the JSONData class types to use. |