In Objective-C, protocols play the role that interfaces play in Object Pascal, but there are some differences:
Protocol methods can be marked optional, i. e. the class implementing the protocol can decide not to implement these methods.
Protocols can inherit from multiple other protocols.
Objective-C classes can indicate which protocols they implement in the class definition, as could be seen in the syntax diagram for Objective-C classes.
The following diagram shows how to declare a protocol. It starts with the objcprotocol keyword:
Protocol type
As in the case of Objective-Pascal classes, the external specifier tells the compiler that the declaration is an import of a protocol defined elsewhere. For methods, almost the same rules apply as for methods in the Objective-Pascal class declarations. The exception is that message specifiers must be present.
The required and optional specifiers before a series of method declarations are optional. If none is specified, required is assumed. The following is a definition of a protocol:
type MyProtocol = objccprotocol // default is required procedure aRequiredMethod; message 'aRequiredMethod'; optional procedure anOptionalMethodWithPara(para: longint); message 'anOptionalMethodWithPara:'; procedure anotherOptionalMethod; message 'anotherOptionalMethod'; required function aSecondRequiredMethod: longint; message 'aSecondRequiredMethod'; end; MyClassImplementingProtocol = objcclass(NSObject,MyProtocol) procedure aRequiredMethod; procedure anOptionalMethodWithPara(para: longint); function aSecondRequiredMethod: longint; end;
Note that in the class declaration, the message specifier was omitted. The compiler (and runtime) can deduce it from the protocol definition.