13.2 Structured statements

Structured statements can be broken into smaller simple statements, which should be executed repeatedly, conditionally or sequentially:

Structured statements

--                ---                ---------------------------
  structured- statement  -compound- statement--|
                    -croendpietitiotinveal-- ssttaatteemmeenntt--|
                    ---with- statement---|
                    -exception-statement --|

Conditional statements come in two flavors:

Conditional statements

--conditional- statement--case- statement--------------------------------
                    --if- statement-|

Repetitive statements come in four flavors:

Repetitive statements

--repetitive-statement--|--for- statement--------------------------------
                   |-for- in- statement-|
                   |repeat- statement--|
                   --while- statement-

The following sections deal with each of these statements.

13.2.1 Compound statements
13.2.2 The Case statement
13.2.3 The If..then..else statement
13.2.4 The For..to/downto..do statement
13.2.5 The For..in..do statement
13.2.6 The Repeat..until statement
13.2.7 The While..do statement
13.2.8 The With statement
13.2.9 Exception Statements