The following operations on sets can be performed with operators: union, difference, symmetric difference, inclusion and intersection. The operators are listed in table (12.6).
Operation | Action |
+ | Union |
- | Difference operator |
* | Intersection |
>< | Symmetric difference |
<= | Contains |
>= | Left hand side set is a superset of the one on the right |
in | check whether an element is in a set |
In addition to the above operators, elements can be added or removed from the set with the Include or Exclude procedures:
includes an element in the set.
excludes an element from the set.
The set type of the operands or arguments must be the same, or an error will be generated by the compiler.
The following program gives some valid examples of set operations:
Type Day = (mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun); Days = set of Day; Procedure PrintDays(W : Days); Const DayNames : array [Day] of String[3] = ('mon','tue','wed','thu', 'fri','sat','sun'); Var D : Day; S : String; begin S:=''; For D:=Mon to Sun do if D in W then begin If (S<>'') then S:=S+','; S:=S+DayNames[D]; end; Writeln('[',S,']'); end; Const WorkWeek = [mon,tue,wed,thu,fri]; WeekEnd = [sat,sun]; Var W : Days; begin W:=[mon,tue]+[wed,thu,fri]; // equals [mon,tue,wed,thu,fri] PrintDays(W); W:=[mon,tue,wed]-[wed]; // equals [mon,tue] PrintDays(W); W:=[mon,tue,wed]-[wed,thu]; // also equals [mon,tue] PrintDays(W); W:=[mon,tue,wed]*[wed,thu,fri]; // equals [wed] PrintDays(W); W:=[mon,tue,wed]><[wed,thu,fri]; // equals [mon,tue,thu,fri] PrintDays(W); if [mon,tue]<=WorkWeek then Writeln('Must work on monday and tuesday'); if Weekend>=[sun] then Writeln('Can rest on sunday'); end.
As can be seen, the union is equivalent to a binary OR, while the intersection is equivalent to a binary AND, and the symmetric difference equals a XOR operation.
The Include and Exclude operations are equivalent to a union or a difference with a set of one element. Thus,
is equivalent to
is equivalent to
The In operation results in a True if the left operand (an element) is included of the right operand (a set), the result will be False otherwise.