Get and set the selected state of a gadget.
Source position: MUIClass.Area.pas line 168
published property TMUIArea.Selected : Boolean read GetSelected write SetSelected default False; |
This attribute can be triggered by the user clicking on the gadget (or using the keyboard), depending on the input mode:
- MUIV_InputMode_None
- set when lmb is pressed.
- cleared when lmb is released.
- cleared when the gadget is selected and the mouse leaves the gadget box.
- set when the mouse reenters the gadget box.
- MUIV_InputMode_RelVerify
- Item pressed down as long the mouse is pressed, up when Mouse is realeased. For buttons and similar stuff.
- MUIV_InputMode_Immediate
- Item changed the selection status to selected when clicked. Used e.g. in a radio button object.
- MUIV_InputMode_Toggle
- Item toggles its selection status when clicked. For things like checkmark gadgets.