Unit 'MUIClass.Area' Package
[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#MUIClass]


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Super class for every other MUI class except windows and applications


Source position: MUIClass.Area.pas line 28

type TMUIArea = class(TMUIWithParent)


  procedure AfterCreateObject; override;


Started after the MUI Object is created to connect events.

  procedure BeforeCloseWindow; override;


Called before the window gets closed or the application get terminated to clean some contents

  procedure GetCreateTags(); override;


Get the properties of this class as TagList to create the MUI Object

  property FillArea: Boolean; [rw]


Prevent MUI of drawing the background (Init only)


  constructor Create; override;


Create the class and init the properties

  destructor Destroy; override;


Destroy the class, if the MUI object is still alive it will be disconnected and destroyed as well.

  procedure CreateObject; override;


Create the MUI object.

  function CreateBubble();


Create a MUI Bubble

  procedure DeleteBubble();


Deletes a previously created Bubble

  procedure DeleteAllBubbles;


Delete all bubbles which are created with CreateBubble() for this object

  property LeftEdge: Integer; [r]


Current left position of the object

  property TopEdge: Integer; [r]


Current top position of the object

  property RightEdge: Integer; [r]


Current Right edge of the object

  property BottomEdge: Integer; [r]


Current bottom edge of the object

  property Height: Integer; [r]


Current Height of the object

  property Width: Integer; [r]


Current Width of the object

  property Pressed: Boolean; [r]


Mouse press state of the object

  property Window: PWindow; [r]


Pointer to the Intution structure PWindow

  property WindowObject: TMUIWindow; [r]


Get the Window object the object is placed in


  property Background: TSpecDesc; [r]


[i] Adjust the background for an object.

  property ContextMenu: TMUIMenustrip; [rw]

  property ControlChar: char; [rw]


Define a shortcut for the object

  property CycleChain: Integer; [rw]


Add the item to cycle chain

  property Disabled: Boolean; [rw]


Disable the item for user input and grey it out

  property Draggable: Boolean; [rw]


Enable Drag'n'Drop for this object.

  property Dropable: Boolean; [rw]


Make the item as a drop destination

  property FixHeight: Integer; [rw]


[i] Give your object a fixed pixel height.

  property FixHeightTxt: string; [rw]


[i] Give your object a fixed pixel height. Defined by a text height

  property FixWidth: Integer; [rw]


[i] Give your object a fixed pixel width.

  property FixWidthTxt: string; [rw]


[i] Give your object a fixed pixel width. Defined by a text width

  property Font: PtrInt; [rw]


[i] Define the Font for the item

  property Frame: PtrInt; [rw]


[i] Define a frame for the item.

  property FramePhantomHoriz: Boolean; [rw]


[i] Hide the horizontal frame part

  property FrameTitle: string; [rw]


Define a frame title text

  property HorizDisappear: Integer; [rw]


Set horizontal disappear level

  property VertDisappear: Integer; [rw]


Set vertical disappear level

  property HorizWeight: Integer; [rw]


Adjust the horizontal weight of an object.

  property VertWeight: Integer; [rw]


Adjust the vertical weight of an object.

  property InnerLeft: Integer; [rw]


[i] Adjust the space between an object and its frame.

  property InnerTop: Integer; [rw]


[i] Adjust the space between an object and its frame.

  property InnerRight: Integer; [rw]


[i] Adjust the space between an object and its frame.

  property InnerBottom: Integer; [rw]


[i] Adjust the space between an object and its frame.

  property InputMode: Integer; [rw]


[i] Defines how the item react to user input

  property MaxHeight: Integer; [rw]


[i] Specify a maximum height for an object (in pixels).

  property MaxWidth: Integer; [rw]


[i] Specify a maximum width for an object (in pixels).

  property Selected: Boolean; [rw]


Get and set the selected state of a gadget.

  property ShortHelp: string; [rw]


Specify a string that is to be used as bubble help for this object.

  property ShowSelState: Boolean; [rw]


[i] Invert the Frame border when item is selected

  property ShowMe: Boolean; [rw]


Objects with this attribute set are not displayed.

  property Weight: Integer; [rw]


The weight of an object determines how much room it will get during the layout process.

  property ObjectID: LongWord; [rw]


Objects with a ObjectID <>0 export their contents during MUIApp.Save() and import them during MUIApp.Load(). You have to use different ExportIDs for your objects!

  property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event when Item is selected and in InputMode = MUIV_InputMode_RelVerify

  property OnSelected: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event when Item is clicked and in InputMode = MUIV_InputMode_Immediate or MUIV_InputMode_Toggle





Super class for every other MUI class except windows and applications




Subclass of TNotify to introduce the Parent relation




Notify class is superclass of all other MUI classes.




Base class for all MUI Class




Area class is a super class for every other MUI class except windows and applications. It holds information about an objects current position, size and weight and manages frames, fonts and backgrounds.

Additionally, area class handles the user input. By setting an objects MUIA_InputMode, you can make it behave like a button or like a toggle gadget. That's why MUI doesn't offer an extra button class. A button is simply a text object with a raised frame and a relverify input mode. Since especially group class is a subclass of area, you can create rather complex buttons consisting of many other display elements.

Documentation generated on: 2025-02-06