Unit 'MUIClass.Base' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#MUIClass]


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Base class for all MUI Class


Source position: MUIClass.Base.pas line 57

type TMUIRootClass = class


  HookList: THookList;


List of Hooks used in this class

  FFirstOpen: Boolean;


First visible on a open window

  FMUIObj: PObject_;


MUI Object, nil when MUI object sill not created or already destroyed

  FTag: PtrInt;

  function GetHasObj; virtual;

  procedure GetCreateTags(); virtual;


Get a TagList to create the MUI Object

  procedure DoFirstOpen; virtual;


Window with this object opens first Time

  procedure SetValue();


Set a MUI object Value via Tag

  function GetIntValue(); virtual;


Get a MUI Value via Tag as Integer

  function GetBoolValue(); virtual;


Get a MUI Value via Tag as Boolean

  function GetPointerValue(); virtual;


Get a MUI Value via Tag as Pointer

  function GetStringValue(); virtual;


Get a MUI Value via Tag as String

  procedure ConnectHookObject();


Connect a Event (via Hook) to a changing Field Value with given object

  procedure ConnectHook();


Connect a Event (via Hook) to a changing Field Value with internal object

  procedure ClearObject; virtual;


RootClass has no object to destroy

  procedure BeforeCloseWindow; virtual;


Called before the Window closes, to clean some stuff


  constructor Create; virtual;


Create a Root class, there is no reason to instance a root class it self

  destructor Destroy; override;


Destroy root class, no need to do that, because should not be crated in the first place

  procedure CreateObject; virtual; abstract;


Creates the MUI item

  procedure DestroyObject; virtual;


Root class object can not be destroyed

  property MUIObj: PObject_; [rw]


The MUI Object if created

  property HasObj: Boolean; [r]


Is the MUI Object created and can be used

  property Tag: PtrInt; [rw]





Base class for all MUI Class




it does not make sense to instance itself (it's even not possible)

Documentation generated on: 2025-03-11