Unit 'MUIClass.Window' Package
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All kind of windows for the MUI Objects


Source position: MUIClass.Window.pas line 19

type TMUIWindow = class(TMUIWithParent)


  procedure GetCreateTags(); override;


Fill TagList for MUI item creation


  property Childs: TChildList;


List of Children

  constructor Create; override;


Create Window object

  destructor Destroy; override;


Destroy Window object

  procedure CreateObject; override;


Create the MUI Item

  procedure AfterCreateObject; override;


Connect Events after MUI item creation

  procedure DestroyObject; override;


Destroy MUI item

  procedure AddChild(); override;


Add a Child to the Window, do not use directly but assign the Window as Parent to an Object

  procedure RemoveChild(); override;


Remove the Child from the Window, do not use directly but assign nil as Parent to the Object to remove

  procedure Show;


Open the Window (shortcut to Open := True)

  procedure Close;


Close the Window (shortcut to Open := False)

  property GroupObj: PObject_; [r]


The MUI object of the First group object in the Window

  procedure ScreenToBack;


Put the window's screen to back.

  procedure ScreenToFront;


Put the window's screen to front.

  procedure Snapshot;


Snapshot (Remember) the window position

  procedure Unsnapshot;


Unsnapshot (forget) the window.

  procedure ToBack;


Put the window to back.

  procedure ToFront;


Put the window to front.

  procedure InitChange; override;


Put Window into exchange mode, allows to add/remove items in runtime

  procedure ExitChange; override;


Put Window back to normal mode, after adding/removing items in runtime

  property Activate: Boolean; [rw]


Activate the Window

  property ActiveObject: TMUINotify; [rw]


Set the active object in a window.

  property DefaultObject: TMUINotify; [rw]


The default object in a window receives keyboard input as long as no other object is active.

  property Open: Boolean; [rw]


This little attribute can be used to open and close a window.

  property Screen: PScreen; [rw]


You can get a pointer to the parent screen of a window by getting this attribute.

  property Window: PWindow; [r]


Obtain a pointer to the intuition Window structure

  property Sleep: Boolean; [rw]


Put a window to sleep.


  property AltLeftEdge: Integer; [rw]


[i] Specify the alternate (zoomed) left position of a window.

  property AltTopEdge: Integer; [rw]


[i] Specify the alternate (zoomed) top position of a window.

  property AltHeight: Integer; [rw]


[i] Specify the alternate (zoomed) height of a window.

  property AltWidth: Integer; [rw]


[i] Specify the alternate (zoomed) width of a window.

  property AppWindow: Boolean; [rw]


[i] Make this window an AppWindow

  property Backdrop: Boolean; [rw]


[i] Make the window a backdrop window.

  property Borderless: Boolean; [rw]


[i] Make the window borderless.

  property CloseGadget: Boolean; [rw]


[i] Show/Hide Close gadge of window

  property DepthGadget: Boolean; [rw]


[i] Enable or disable the depth gadget.

  property SizeGadget: Boolean; [rw]


[i] Tell MUI if you want a sizing gadget for this window.

  property SizeRight: Boolean; [rw]


[i] When set to True, the size gadget will reside in the right window border.

  property DragBar: Boolean; [rw]


[i] Tell MUI to give your window a dragbar.

  property LeftEdge: Integer; [rw]


[i] Specify the left edge of a window.

  property TopEdge: Integer; [rw]


[i] Specify the top edge of a window.

  property Height: Integer; [rw]


[i] Specify the height of a window.

  property Width: Integer; [rw]


[i] Specify the width of a window.

  property ID: LongWord; [rw]


Snapshot ID for the Window

  property Horizontal: Boolean; [rw]


The objects in this first group shall be layouted horizontally or vertically.

  property Menustrip: TMUINotify; [rw]


[i] Specify a menu strip object for this window.

  property NoMenus: Boolean; [rw]


Temporarily disable the menu strip of a window.

  property PublicScreen: string; [rw]


Force the window to appear on the public screen defined by it's name

  property RefWindow: TMUIWindow; [rw]


Make the left and top position relative to a reference window.

  property ScreenTitle: string; [rw]


This text will appear in the screens title bar when the window is active.

  property Title: string; [rw]


Specify the title of a window.

  property UseBottomBorderScroller: Boolean; [rw]


Scroll bar at the Bottom Border of the Window

  property UseLeftBorderScroller: Boolean; [rw]


Scroll bar at the Left Border of the Window

  property UseRightBorderScroller: Boolean; [rw]


Scroll bar at the Right Border of the Window

  property OnShow: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event triggered when the Window is open

  property OnActivate: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event triggered when Window is activated.

  property OnDeactivate: TNotifyEvent; [rw]

  property OnCloseRequest: TCloseReqEvent; [rw]


User tries to close the Window

  property OnAppDrop: TAppDropEvent; [rw]





All kind of windows for the MUI Objects




Subclass of TNotify to introduce the Parent relation




Notify class is superclass of all other MUI classes.




Base class for all MUI Class




Objects of window class are used to generate windows and supply a place where MUI gadgets feel well. It handles the complicated task of window resizing fully automatic, you don't need to worry about that.

Windows are children of an application, you cannot use a window object without having a parent application object. On the other side, the gadgets in a window are children of the window, you cannot use MUI gadgets without having a parent MUI window.

Creating a window object does not mean to open it instantly. This is done later by setting the window's Open attribute. If your application has several windows, the usual way is to create them all at once at startup time and open/close it later just by setting Open.

There is no difference in talking to gadgets whether their parent window is open or not. If you e.g. set the contents of a string gadget in an open window, the gadget will refresh immediately. If the window is closed, the gadget just remembers its new setting and displays it later.

Documentation generated on: 2025-02-06